Thursday, August 19, 2021
Cara keluarkan duit KWSP kerana pencen pilihan
Sunday, June 20, 2021
Nouf's Swab Test
Berdetak jantung di tengah hari Jumaat 28 Mei 2021 bila tiba-tiba kat group taska Nouf, principal maklumkan ada sorg transit student positive covid. His whole family members was positive covid. The mom and dad bergejala while the kid not. Bila dgr khabar tu, majority parent were not sure what to do. Terus ambil anak ke, terus bawa gi swab test ke, mcm2 persoalan diaju dlm group whatsapp masa tu. Even the principal taktahu nak kena report kat siapa dahulu. Hehe.. faham je.. yela sbb biasanya kita dgr kes org je kan, tetiba jd dekat taska anak sendiri.
Honestly, antara yg bermain kat fikiran juga time tu was, "aduhai kena kuarantin lama ni.. keje office banyakkk mcm ni..!" 😵😵
Long story short, saya contact UMBI (UKM Medical Molecular Biology Institute) utk book slot swab test untuk Nouf seorang sahaja. Sebelum tu saya consult staff UMBI and share scenario kami sbb nak tahu perlu atau tak the whole family kami 4 beranak buat swab test.
*Later kat bawah saya share scenario "taska-Nouf-our family" and how only Nouf yang kena buat swab test tu.
Ok saya elaborate sikit the scenario.
First thing you guys have to know is that, kat taska Nouf, bilik / play areas adalah di bahagi-bahagikan ikut peringkat umur. Nouf is under babyclass below 2yo while the transit student yg positive tu is 6yo. Eventhough they (Nouf and this transit kid) never had contact with each other, TAPI among teachers tu mestilah ada berhubungan after school-time kan.
So in this scenario, pihak UMBI kata lightly Nouf akan 'kena'. But please do swab test just to be sure. Once we got Nouf's result, then only fikir perlu buat swab test utk babah, Affan & myself atau tak.
Result Nouf ALHAMDULILLAH negative so the rest of us 3 beranak tak buat swab test.
Tu jelah pengalaman pendek buat swab test untuk ahli keluarga terdekat. Kat bawah ni saya share beberapa info tentang UMBI just in case ada yg nak buat reference.
Untuk Nouf haritu kami buat RT-PCR : RM150.
Slot Nouf pukul 10am- 11am. Pukul 7pm camtu dah dapat result melalui email.
If nak book slot, isi maklumat kat link ni : Please make sure korang letak email address yang betul2 accessible so korang tak miss out the test result.
Tempat menunggu, tempoh menunggu, parking areas, alhamdulillah selesa kat sini.
No. phone ada kat link booking tu juga but in case korang nak reach out person yang kami in touch with tu, here is his number +60 19-870 3380 (En.Razif).
Till then peeps, stay safe!
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
First 4 words
First 4 words korang nampak apa?
Cik Gayah nampak :
Sebenarnya memang banyak yg nak dipelajari. Sebab rasa mcm sedang berada di comfort zone. So I need to learn something new supaya rasa diri ada extra value.
Aim nak balik ke HQ. Aim nak being posted ke luar negara lebih cepat. Aim nak naik gred via exam (exam bulan 9 ni inshaaAllah).
Sgt2 berdoa agar anak-anak sentiasa sihat dan me myself ada lebih masa utk A. Anak tengah kecik ni, most of the time A + I bersembang hal anak-anak. We almost forgot to chit chat tentang ourself to each other. One thing that I've learnt from A is that, he is a hugger. A selalu ask for a hug. And a 2 seconds hug sebelum kami diserang anak-anak tu memang buat me realize that - oh, he loves me and yes, i love him too. Terima kasih ya Allah for these loves.
I just need to be in control mode again. With 2 kids, I most of the time feel like I am powerless. Rumah tak boleh nak maintain kemas, timing gi keje celaru, nak masak selalu kena tergesa-gesa.. all these sbb I'm extremely exhausted. Kudrat dah tak sama mcm dulu. Plus, I had brain's bleeding 8 years back. So.
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Outstation - Cyberview Resorts & Spa
One of the many things yg Allah 'granted-along' to me when He got me this job, is - leisure of bringing A, Affan & Nouf to places. Mungkin bagi orang lain, alah gi situ jeeeeee.. but for us, for me at least, if this ain't a rezeki from Allah, i myself mungkin idokler mampu nk kerap-kerap membawak toklaki & anak-anak ke sana sini beria stay hotel best-best and dine in there as well.
Last year sahaja A, Affan & Nouf follow ibu ke Melaka, Johor, & PD. Sarawak & Penang cancel sebab Covid 😐
Btw, I trynna use A for babah (nama babah starts with A). Or you guys prefer that I use babah instead? Let me know okay. Dengggg bajet readers seribu orang ke kahkahkah takpela otak dah terperap lama sbb covid so khayalan jadik hover sikit sabar ye.
Cyberview Resort & Spa, Cyberjaya. Pergi ni dalam tempoh PKPB (Jan 2021), tapi bukan sesaja kami suka berjalan hokehh.. Pergi ni pun atas arahan bekerja so ibu hangkut bala tentera 3serangkai tu. Mujur la dapat toklaki yg mmg jenis kalau berjalan ke mana-mana, agak mustahil utk beliau tinggalkan anak-anak. Hatta gi event yg beberapa jam pun beliau sebolehnya akan ngangkut Affan + Nouf, apetah lagi kalau event yg terpaksa stay in camni. Of course beliau takrela berdua-duaan dgn Cik Gayah sahaja sambil anak-anak suruh org/family members lain babysit kan. (more over tgh musim covid kan.. so mmg idokler tumpangkan anak-anak kat sesapa).
Dah nama pun resort kan, so mmg konsep layout dia mcm resort la. Layout landai dan rooms pun paling tinggi, tingkat 1. Bayangkan tetengah cyber tu tetiba ada resort, rasa mcm woww! Tempat dia cozy, easy access especially kalau yg bawa anak kekecik mcm Cik Gayah ni ha. Puasla Affan berlari sana sini sambil ibu membontot sorong stroller Nouf dari belakang.
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Eczema Nouf tengah flare masa ni actually |