Monday, February 7, 2011

hari yg lemau..

isnin! sgtla lemau hari ni.. puasa ganti (hari ni dh 2hari ganti), force ot smpi 2jam (but i managed to settle the additional assignment bfo 5.30! yay!!), jam teruk (hence shuttle lambat). 

balik kje sharp on the dot today. smpai train destination, terus beli tomyam aym yg marvelous dkt2 situ utk bbuka. kt rumah, masak nasi. myrumet (kami pose gnti sama2 today) buat telur dadar. dgr je azan mghrib, kami pun mkn dgn comelnye. hahaa..  

time bbuka, housemates yg lain bcerita ttg engagement day housemate i yg sorg ni (kami b7 srumah. sgt best! mcm2 prangai ada ^__^). hepi fo her sbb hari yg die tggu2 tu bjalan lancar & she's look damn cute! cair hati encik tunang. mesti xsabar nk tggu salam tgn tok kadi.. :P

lepas sorang, sorang gigirl rumah ni btunangla, kawin la. mmg by time i masuk rumah ni pun, dorg dh siap warn me awal2 - siapa masuk rumah ni, cepat dpt jodoh tau! 

ntah btul ntah tidak, but i've being proposed by encik kekasih on 3rd January 2011 hari tu. tidaklh dpropose mcm putera kayangan yg bpedang satria atas kuda putih. die cuma terus maklumkn tarikh yg jd pilihan die. as i thought it was just a plan main2, terus die describe in details what he have in mind fo the day. hepi sgt sampai i mlompat2 dgn my ex-rumet. mungkin itulh saat2 yg dtunggu setiap perempuan. being proposed by the one u love..

klu ikut susun-silang-kata myself, by april ths year, i shud start buying things fo hantaran. so ths month and nex shud be surveying months.oh, fyi readers; we've promised to let our parents kno about ths only 3-4 months bfo the engagement day. sbb?? sbb kami akn berusaha utk mjayakan majlis kecil2an kami dgn hasil titik peluh sndiri (insyaAllah!). klu dberitahu awal, msti dorg susah hati fikir psl budgeting which im afraid, dorg senyap2 kluakan simpanan dorg fo the event. come on, i prefer they use the saving fo hajj. kami, insyaAllah rezeki will be just nex to us.

Till Im blogging again, smile! 

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