Friday, April 22, 2011


Apekahh?? i heard bout Nuffnang and a bit idea on what is it. Tp xtahu pulak yg this hooott stuff can makes me richer. $___$ oh, im in l$ve with u Mr Nuffnang~~

Betoi ka Mr Nuffnang blh bg sy duit?? tu yg tgk kt blog bloggers lain penuh dgn advertisement tempek sana-sini. Chopp! Lemme brief what is Nuffnang nih *muka confident tahu sambil on the nex tab, is Nuffnang webpage for reference*

In brief, Nuffnang is:
- A blog advertising community. Their ads are seen on 180,000 blogs by 8 million people daily.
- Currently has offices in 4 countries, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines and Australia.

Hmm, yet to know mcm mana Mr Nuffnang boleh bagi sy duittt...<<Huk-alohh-hai>>

This is what i have in mind after reading the FAQ.
- once you'd register with them (Nuffnang), they'l have quick review on yr blog and categorized it
- based on the category, they'l match yr blog up with appropriate advertiser. cth: klu the blog oftenly posts about cekelat, dorg match kn la that blog dgn Cadbury ke, Kit Kat ke.. it works that way frm my understandng 
- their service is FOC uolls!!

So, how u earned from them? yg ni pening sikit utk sy fhmkn. Sbb dorg ada guna term Average Unique Visitors. kna study lg spaya lebih fhm.

Btw, i've signed up to it at and will study more about Mr Nuffnang from other bloggers. Once obtain more info, i'l update!

Till I'm blogging again, smile! :)

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