Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Malu2 nk cerita ni. Uhukk (~__~") 

EHRMM! Voice testing.
Sy dgn rasa semalu-malu-bunga-semalu nak habaq mai kt hangpa yg sy dh create official fb for my small bisness project. It's called; WeddingMood *weee!!* For that small bisness, im offering packages of Wedding Cards, Thank You cards, Door Gifts (this one yet to upload the pics at fb). Yes, bisness ni BARU BERMULA and tersangatla secara kecil2an. But worries not, kualiti products dijamin dan akan diperhebatkan dr semasa ke semasa. So lovely peeps, kalau ada siapa yg kenai2 bakal pengantin (or nama hebat laa ni B2B katanya kinah oii..) yg tgh survey budget cards, do extend them the link/fb page ya, peeps :)

Segala kerjasama anda amat dihargai. Hehee.

Korg2 pun kalau ada idea nk share, blh je fwd to me kt ok.

Till I'm blogging again, smile! :)  


  1. kamu ada update rupanya, ingatkan tak update apa-apa dah. sebulan lepas je keluar kat feed. kena follow balik ni. :D

  2. oh, ye ke? somethg wrong somewhere kot myblog ni T_T im like addicted to yr blog. haha. giler jujur. keep writing ye kamu :)
