Org lain mkn minyak2 sy pulak hari ni mkn se-bun roti je sbb busy register kt UTM Space. Perasaan? Bsyukur, seronok, risau, stress. Klas x start lg dh stress ngapenye?? Tgk total credit hours byk sgt angkanya wehh. Lg byk angka credit, lg besarla nota duit kerna dilaburkan. Phewww~~~~ Doakn sy wahai kamu semua!
Anyway, this is what i want for mylife. This might be the best thing i can do for myself. Biarlah wpun tpaksa merangkak, tduduk, tpele'ot, sy tetap nk habiskn study ni. *Ya Allah, aku bertawakkal pdMu!*
For sure td dh make some new friends. Sal (this kelantanese girl maaanyak ckp woo. huhu), Ina (cik tunangan org. lembut je orgnya), Nurul (anak mami. ulangalik Kedah tiap2 mggu klu nk attend klas. gila x??) Nk share ngan korg kmusykilan sy masa register td. Sy pelik napa org2 admin UTM Space kacak2???????????????? Hahaahaaaaaa. Seriously! Ada sorg tu muka mcm Chuck Bass dlm Gossip Girl. Yg sorg lg mcm muka Apek goal keeper tu (yg ni stakat kategori muka artis jelh. Sy x rasa Apek tu hensem pun. heh). Ramai lglah yg 'ada rupa'. Suuuuka tgk 'Chuck Bass' tu :))) Mesti dia pun dh slalu dgr org ckp muka dia iras2 Chuck, sbb tu tgk style, gaya jln, almost 88% mcm Chuck! Honestly i keep curi2 tgk dia. *sbb muka dia mcm Chuck. bkn sbb suka dia la-weyy* Hahahahaa. What happen la to me td ^__^
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ask mr google for chuck's pic! |
Nnt dh start class, xnmpk dh en.Chuck kot. hmm.. ~_~'
Till I'm blogging again, smile! :)
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