Friday, December 9, 2011

Class oh Class~

This week's classes are cancelled! Tak tahu la nk hoyeaahh ke nk tunjuk muka kbosanan. Hati dh bkobar2 ni nk start blaja and have all those dry materials (buku-buku) yg kalau baca blh tkeluaq biji mata. Tp class asyik cancel je.. Nape...? ~_~" 

Fiiiiiiiiiiisrt class, (not really a class actually) -masa 1st week hari tu ada mcm induction week la kot. CANCEL. Ok, fine. 2nd week which is last week, my lecturer lupa yg ktorg ada class. Luckily dia igt last minute and so we were able to meet her in the class. Tp tu pun more to sesi suai kenal je sbb dia rush to UTM JB. She was very energetic and fun lecturer i think -at least my first impression to her is good. Hahah.

Smlm check portal for this week's classes, pun cancel jg. Alasan? Wallahu'alam. So nnt ada class gnti. I was sooo excited to start 'study' smpai buat bnda2 excel ni; payment structure, class schedules ^_^

u may enlarge the pic *B for Batal*
ada lg rm700 kena byr tu UTM. heheh
Since sabtuahad ni xdak class, apa lagi.. Gi kais pagi mkn pagi la kt SKMM. Okla kot kan? Assuming that Tuhan buka pintu rezeki kt SKMM nk bg sy kumpui duit utk bayaq yuran study la nehh. Thank you, Allah!

Till I'm blogging again, smile! :)

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