Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hari yg panjang

Ok malam ni ada modal nk bercerita. My 8 Jan this year rasa mcm sangatla panjangnya. I'll break the stories into parts k supaya korang x pening.

Ujian Saringan Darah - New System

Sy pergi buat ujian HIV & Talesmia kt KKM Putrajaya Precint 9. Siapa yg tahu area ni, it just located dpn kompleks kejiranan P9 tu. Kt sini (or maybe klinik kerajaan yg lain pun) hanya buat ujian2 darah ni pd sbelah pg hari bkerja. Not on weekend, not after 12pm.

The queuing system has been improved & simplified a lot. Sy boleh tabik. Cuma ada part2 yg perlu diberi perhatian so that the system is implemented for the good of all patient.

Bit of the system yg sy dok puji2 sgt ni;
Mula2 sampai klinik, still sama- kena amik nombor. Upon registering ourselves kt kaunter bdasarkan angka giliran yg kita amik td tu, we will be given kad pesakit yg ada bar code. The good part starts here bilamana ke mana-mana kaunter seterusnya kita pergi (ikutla korang pi klinik tu utk urusan ape, kan..), kita cuma perlu scan bar code pd kad kita tu. Once scanned, mksudnya kita dh being queued utk pmeriksaan ke, amik ubat ke.. In time wise, i personally think that the system precisely shorten the waiting period.

Part yg sy rasa kena diberi perhatian pulak ialah canggihnya sistem ni mgkin kurang sesuai digunapakai oleh pakcik makcik yg xtahu sgt psl teknologi. Ada sorg pakcik tkial2 kt tempat scan tu. Dia xtau apa nk dibuat. Pulak tu xde nurse yg standby kt situ utk bantu bg arahan. Sy pun KEBETULAN JE tnmpk step by step dorg ajar cara nk guna scanner tu. Otherwise, cik gayah tkial2 jg kt situ!

Ujian Saringan Darah - Result

Went there & made two types of blood test; a) HIV b) Talesmia

HIV test rupanya sama je mcm pregnancy test. Guna test kit je. Cara tgk result pun lebih kurang sama. Ala, yg tgk if ada 2 line mksudnya positif. Kalau 1 line pulak mksudnya negative. Dlm HIV test ni clinical term used is reactive for positif & non-reactive for negative. Bezanya HIV test guna darah (cucuk citt sikit kt depan jari telunjuk) tp kalau nk check pregnant ke tak people guna urine.

Result appear kt kit tu within 1-2 minutes. Cepatkan?

Prior to HIV Screening test ni, sy dh gi amik darah utk Talesmia test. The result somehow made me stunned a bit. Doctor confirmed yg sy ni ialah pembawa agen Talesmia. Sy mmg boleh agak ttg ni since my family's blood tree clearly having this blood-trait-agent. Cuma jauh di sudut hati sy bharap that im 'clean' of this. Tp ni qada' qadar tuhan. Sy redha. Sy kena redha :')

Let me share my conversation dgn doktor tu.

Me: Doctor, how can u determine my circumstance from the blood test result?
Doctor: You see, yr hemoglobin ratio is considered ok. But yr hemoglobin size and condition is at lower par than the normal people should have.

                                              Normal      Mine    
  • Hb ration in body            13 - 16.4       12.3
  • Hemoglobin size              27 - 32          25.3
  • Hemoglobin color           80 - 96           77

The doctor keep on asking abt my partner. Is he already done the test? Is his family has history of the disease? Bdoa semoga en.Ubi 'clean'!! Chiayok dear!

Oh btw, HIV test valid for 6mths only while no expiry for Talesmia test.

Ujian CIMB

Hahah! Sub-cerita mcm gempak. Mesti korang pelikkan pehal tiba2 ada ujian cimb plak nih. Gini tonah.. Cik gayah nk deposit kan cash guna cimb ATM machine kt petronas mlm td. Tuptup tgh2 mesin tu ngira duit cik gayah yg berkepuk-kepuk tu (hamboi. lagaknye pun! sj je cik gayah up kan cerita. Padehal ntah berapa hengget je duit cik gayah tu :p) mesin tu out of service pulak! Resit klua ckp transaksi x bjaya, kad atm klua, tp duit still stuck kt dlm tu. Cik gayah check acc balance, duit td tu x credited pun dlm akaun. Cuak sungguh!

Berusaha la call cimb. Normal process- drog create case & akan bg feedback dlm tempoh 7 hari bkerja. So skrg tggu jelah.. Sgt2 trma kasih kt roomate cik gayah sbb teman je cik gayah spanjang2 mlm ni. "Nnt awak kawen, kita jd pengapit awk ek ;D" *tetiba*

Tu jelah nk share. Happy reading! :)


  1. bln 3?? cepat sgt tu kin. tggu kin jd mummy dulu la ;p

  2. Dah tu? Bulan 6 yer? Tahniah... btw, doakan ekin. Nk jd mummy~

  3. wahhh! dh pregnant ye kin! tahniah sgt3. nnt nk jumpa nk tgk perut!
