Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Capsule mini

Life is challenging and complicated. I've seen people with simple life and I was like got bit really envy of them. Rasa nak je minta petua. Petua tak lain tak bukan, be a good muslim. InsyaAllah He gonna ease everything for us.

There are times when I feel like my life's challenges are even challenging than the others. Though I know, ada insan yg lebih2 lg cabaran hidup mereka. Hence I know that I must be strong and betul2 bersyukur dgn apa yg Dia kurniakan buat masa ni.

Looking into my phases with en.Ubi, we rather call the challenges as 'capsule'. We've been through some capsules and we knew that there will be lots of capsules waiting to be launched.

Raya hari tu we've passed one of the capsules. Syukur yg tidak terhingga pd Allah. Closest family members and friends je yg tahu pasal ni. Less people know the better kot at this moment :)

After that, I've started to even more realize that, pusing-pusing kot mana pun, terarahnya kita kembali pd Allah. Dia yg membuka pintu rezeki. Kalau kita rasa kita 'xde rezeki', I will remind myself utk cepat-cepat istighfar. Sbb kita sbg hamba kena sentiasa bersangka baik pd Dia. I am no one of His good caliph but akan cuba cuba dan cuba to be one.

en.Ubi is now trying to launch his own capsule - to inform his parents that he's accepted a new and a better job (insyaAllah) in private sector. Which this would mean that he's offboarding from current office - uitm - govern sector. 

Nothing much i can do as his partner selain giving him full mental and psychology support. Yg mana baik utk masa depan dia, insyaAllah baik utk masa depan kami. Saya yakin setiap tindakan yg dia ambil, our future is well considered by him.

.. I've started mumbling about my job to him. Telling him how my job demand me till sometimes I've ignoring him. So he texted me just now

en.Ubi: Awak nk tau kenapa saya nk cepat kahwin dgn awak?

me: Kenapa...

en.Ubi: Biar awak fokus kerja. Lepas balik kerja, saya nampak je awak. Tak perlu risau. Even saya boleh ambil awak balik kerja, makan sama-sama makanan yg awak masak, buat semua benda bersama. My whole life ada awak. Walau penat mcm mana pun, awak ada. Walaupun hidup tak mudah, tp ada awak

Touched by that, saya rasa nk jadi surirumah sepenuh masa pulak haih..!

Salam Aidilfitri.

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