Hari ni sy nk menulis abt, HOW TO SPEND RM50 IN A DAY. or in a nite. Mudah je.
1- Naik cab pegi balik dr area rumah to Carefour
2- Buat money order rm20
3- Beli 'special' envelop
4- Postage
5- Dinner McD spicy chicken medium set
Mudahkan??? T__T
Application for PJJ UTM dh submit kt Pej.Post Carefour smlm. Mujur Pej. Pos tu buka up to 8pm. But actually tlupa masukkan printed online application slip dlm posted envelop tu. So pagi2 ni tkial2 call UTM nk tnya if they will automatically reject my application. Person in charge ckp, asalkn ada no.rujukan dh cukup. Tp klu they require any clarification, they'l contact me -jwpan yg AGAK mnyedapkan hati. Oh please! I wish this badly. Doakan utk sy ye readers!!!
Dh bbrapa entry semuanya mereng-sedih-lara kn.. Actually, ada je bnda best happened to me. Cuma kisah2 mereng tu dh overcome kisah gumbira <-- jgn tiru ni ok
Sy dpt hp percuma =) Be frank with me, sapa nk bagi korg hp pcuma gitu2 je ek? It's belongs to my friend. Wpun bukan brand new, tp condition tiptop. PDA type. Biarlah tak dpt iPhone or Blackberry pun. Yg penting, FREEEEEEEEEEE~
Sy kan nk cari duit lebih. Sy hepi dpt part time with SKMM. Yup, ni yg sy gi interview hari tu. Terima kasih Allah. I love U.
Last but not least, someone pernah ckp kt sy -bila kita mula mencari (rezeki), insyaAllah akan tbuka pintu2 rezeki utk kita. Tell u what, sy dpt bbrapa interview yg best2. Sy harap sy dpt blajar byk pkara2 yg bguna while attending interview2 ni.
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Hahah! Percaya x Cheah Li Qian tu bg love icon to me? Sila percaya ok. lalallaaa~~ |
Till I'm blogging again, smile! :)
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