Wednesday, October 12, 2011

.. Saya bersedih

A while silence. Dh byk kali draft new entry tp sengaja x post. Takut korg sesak nafas baca crumble-thingy-of-my-life. Hewheww <<ni tiru cara gelak sapa ntah. tp mcm comel je gelak camni. ok. merapek apentah dah ni.

Hm.. Share with u guys, sy tgh membusykan diri dgn pk psl further study. Hari tu dlm train, dok sbelah nenek ni, dia baca surat khabar. Pastu nmpk UTM tgh open application for Part Time student. Pucuk dicita ulam mendatang. Online application dh buat dh. I applied for Quantity Surveyor or IT course. QS tu sbb ade la relate sikit2 dgn my previous course -architecture. IT -sbb tu antara course yg senang. KOT. Nama pun part time study kan. Xnkla amik yg susah2 or maha hebat. Satgi kje ke mana, blaja ke mana. Amik ni dgn niat utk busykan diri + tmbah ilmu sikit.

Nk tahu cerita psl en.kanda lg ke? Heh. Mesti pelik kn? Hari tu kata dh break up tp nape ada ksinambungan cerita en.kanda lg? CHOPP! Sj panggil en.kanda lg sbb tatau nk panggil beliau apa selain tu kt sini *nangis*

3-4 days after having the talk, he called me. Smlm pun dia ada call lg. Tanya kabar, tnya sume yg patut mcm masa kami 'ada relation'. At first, weird for me to answer his calls as for me, dh xde pape means xde pape la. Yes, we did break tnpa ada gaduh2 pun. Cuma sy xreti nk terus bkawan dgn someone yg used to be special to me. Tp tu laa.. Dia ni baik orgnya. So, slagi dia baik dgn sy, insyaAllah sy pun xtakut2 utk baik dgn dia *sedih pulak cakap2 cmni* Honestly, life wasnt that perfect without him as my beloved partner. Kdg2, sy allow hati ni utk bsedih. Takut klu dtahan2 sgt, nnt sy sakit jiwa pulak T__T So, bila rasa nk lepaskn mood sedih tu, sy dgr lagu dr cerita Sweet November. Tajuk lagu ni It's Not Goodbye. Nnt korg ada masa korg tgkla cerita ni. Psl couple whom break up with lots of good memories btween them.

Ni the lyrics yg bila sy dgr, sy rasa mcm kapal titanic langgar iceberg dlm hati sy..

Tambah pulak heronya Keanu Reeves! Korg tau x life Keanu Reeves ni sgt sedih sbnrnya..? Dia ni pun lonely wpun dkelilingi ke-best-an dunia. #Dear Abe Reeves, meh nikoh nge sayo meh..

Now what if I never kiss your lips again or feel the touch of your sweet embrace.
How would I ever go on?
Without you there?s no place to belong
Well someday love is going to lead you back to me
but till it dose I'll have an empty heart
So I'll just have to believe
somewhere out there you're thinking of me
Until the day I let you go,
Until we say our next hello
It's not goodbye.
Til I see you again
I'll be right here remembering when
And if time is on our side
there will be no tears to cry on down the road
there is one thing I can't deny
It's not goodbye
You'd think I'd be strong enough to make it trough
and rise above when the rain falls down
But its so hard to be strong
when you've been missing somebody so long
It's just a matter of time I'm sure
but time takes time and I can't hold on
so wont you try as hard as you can
to put my broken hearth together again?

Until the day I let you go,
Until we say our next hello
It's not goodbye.
Til I see you again
I'll be right here remembering when
And if time is on our side
there will be no tears to cry on down the road
there is one thing I can't deny

It's not goodbye

Till I'm blogging again, smile! :)

1 comment:

  1. "If u ♥ something, let it go... If it comes back 2 u, it's yours... If it doesn't, it never was..."
