Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Interview (lagi?)

Ni nak cerita pasal my interview kt Shell. Cut it straight, moh baca..

Sy pergi interview hari Jumaat, 5 October 2012. Pagi2 tu turun office sbb nk amik my friend's car. Yep, sy pinjam kereta kawan utk ke Cyberjaya. Terima kasih 'kawan', kerana bsama-sama sy dlm usaha mrubah diri ke arah yg lbh baik (insyaAllah).

My friend set me the GPS and was thinking yeayy, senang folo je GPS tu. Tp rupanya benar kata sesetengah org. GPS = Guna Pun Sesat. Hehehe. Takpe, takpe.. Pengalaman. Dr Jln Tun Razak ke Cyber sy ikut Mex Highway and ada sesat2 somewhere kt Sg.Besi. Lps tu GPS tu bawa ke mana ntah, tup tup sy klua balik jln nk mhala ke Jln Tun Razak. Cett!! Agak bengang dgn GPS tsebut tp sdaya upaya sy cool kn diri sndiri :) Sy drive balik ke arah Cyber (this time ikut signboard smata-mata) & alhamdulillah, sampai kt area MMU. MMU was having convo tau masa tu.

Kt sana lg skali sesat-sesat mcari Jln Teknorat 3. Dok tnya org-org kt sana & finally, jumpa Shell!! Shell's building color is chocolate, tletak betul2 bhampiran IBM centre. Masa sesat2 tu, sy jumpa HSBC, HP. KRU building je sy xjumpa T___T Kecewa? Neyhhh...

Parking jd isu sikit masa tu. Sy parked somewhere kt sberang Shell buildg, walking distance 5-10 minit cmtu. Jiwa nervousnya tuhan je yg tahu! Sbb sy dh laaaaaaaama sgt takgi interview. The guards were very helpful sbb 
i) Mostly the guards are Malaysian which ease us in communication 
ii) Guards sume sgt rajin mnunjuk arah 

Dlm dewan pertama, daftar myself and took a seat kt barisan paaaling depan. Kiri kanan sy ialah candidates perempuan tp muka masing-masing mcm xde selera nk bbual so sy dgn perangai cik gayahnya cuba beramah mesra dgn candidates kt barisan belakang. Only then i met Ju & Afika. Ju mula2 ramah, tp lps tu dia agak diam. Maybe dh start nervous sgt2 bila sorg-sorg nama dpanggil ke dewan interview (which just next to the room). Afika went first, then me, last skali Ju.

Dlm dewan interview, ada lbh kurang 6-7 meja interview. Each not sided closely. My interviewers were Mr Abd Malek & Ms Nisha. I dont know whether the interview goes well or not but to share:
i) totally in english
ii) the interviewers are friendly with professional attitude
iii) i made them laugh (mcm xpercaya je part ni. hehe. tbayang-bayang smpi laa ni)

After that, sy diminta mnunggu kt luar kejap for their discussion. Kt luar tu jumpa Afika lg skali. Kali ni kenal pulak dgn Sakinah & Kokila. We had chit chat mcm dh lama kenal. Hhehe. 5 minutes later, sy dpanggil masuk semula for assessment. Assessment ni nmpk mcm senang - to answer 3 scenarios via writing. Again, not sure if i did well. Dh jawab, tggu kt luar balik smpi dorg panggil.

This time around, dorg inform yg I've been shortlisted. Happy, tp xdela smpi excited since that was not a confirmation pun. Happy sbb by that time, hanya akan ada 2 result. Either you are in the shortlisted or not accepted.

And today, i received the email :)

Cmtula lebih kurang cik gayah gi interview. Kalau korang ada nk pegi interview, here are some tips u may consider to folo:
i) Wear something that you will be relaxed in. Takde masalah utk pkai bju kurung, asalkan kemas
ii) Smile, smile, smile. Try to make friends if possible. This way, korang akan dpt info-info yg x dijangka & akan at least relax sikit
iii) Prepare documents, prepare yourself
iv) Kalau xtahu nk jawab apa depan intrviewer, btenang kejap, fikir, dan baru jawab soalan dorg. Yela, dr korang merapu ntahpape baik korang diam for 2minutes, kan?
v) Jgn blagak tak tentu pasal nnt org tak suka. Heh.

Till I'm blogging again, smile! :)

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