Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My new blog header!

Cuba tgk apa yg ada kt ataih tu? weee... Edit header sendiri!! ^__^V  Ok tak? Ok la kot. Simple but me.. Edit via photoshop je, sbb tu lah hasilnya xsehebat header org lain yg di-edit sndiri. Tape..tape.. *CLAP!! CLAP!!*

Dh ngengada daah display gambaq sndiri kt blog. Chett~ Dulu kekonon masa mula2 mnulis, xmo bg sape2 tahu who i am. End up, humanghaii.. Tpampang wajah tembam sndiri! Takpela, nnt dh boring, tukar lg header. Hehehee~

buat sendiri ni tau ^__^V
Satu je xpuas hati :(
Dh tukar header tu, igt nk tukar skali nama blog. Skali dgn url myblog la. Tp blogspot mcm xapprove. Awatnya haihh?? Used to be asmallworldofmine.blogspot. Ni nk tukaq jd haihaya.blogspot. Mudah sikit nk search and igt new name tu. Tp knp xboleeeeehh? *stressessuss i, uolls!* Ker.. sy yg xreti nk ngubahnya? Sape tahu.... meh nk minta tlg ajar..

Till I'm blogging again, smile! :)


url blog sy dh btukar.
former: asmallworldofmine.blogspot
new: haihayahai.blogspot