Friday, August 12, 2011

Emas + Elmo + Elphy

Rabu lepas, via fb, Habib Jewels ada update, "Buat pertama kalinya di dalam sejarah, harga pasaran emas mencecah RM200/gm. Harga pasaran emas 999, RM201/gm & emas 916, RM190/gm" and "Gold price is now higher than platinum". What will come cross yr mind after reading it? Me, rasa nk beli emas with the intention of standby for in case of emergency. Sblm berita ni tsebar lg, dh ada niat dh nk beli emas yg bkn sbg kgunaan sndiri, tp utk hal2 kcemasan. Sy xla plan nk beli yg loket or jongkong emas tu. That one, in my opinion, long term investment sesuaila. Sy nk yg short term je..

Sy ada tfikir nk beli brg kemas such as cincin simple-simple or rantai or gelang. Beli nnt, bkn utk sy bergaya ala-ala ank mami pd hari raya nnt. Simpan, kot2 tdesak nk guna duit, blh pajak or gadaikan. Surely wont feel ralat sbb tht jewelry bknnya 'kita punya'. Yela, dh mmg beli utk djual balik. So nk ralat apenya.. Mcm nk discuss ths thg with en.kanda sbb he is a gud forecaster and may analyst things well. Tapi... Xmolah. I'l try to run this myself. Bcinta xsemestinya bkongsi sgala-galanya, ye tak? Nyorok2 sikit. Barulah thrill! Heheehe~

Hm, nmpaknya hari ni byk nk share pasal duit. Nk beli emas pun, kenalah ada duit kn? So.. mana dtg duit nk beli emaih?? Utk pengetahuan korg, sy ada 1 sifat and mentality -suka bg pinjam duit kt org. Sbb? Sbb yg sama sy apply utk beli emas td. Semua org tahu yg masa2 susah kita xleh nk predict. Kita bg pnjam kt org masa kita tgh ada duit. Later on, bila kita xde duit, bolehla kita mnta diorg repay. The risk of course is there la. People not repay. Jadi kna pandai2 jglah tgk org yg kita nk pinjamkn duit tu. Bln lps saja, ada bbrapa org sy pinjamkan duit. Klu collect by next or next two weeks, blhla survey2 kt Poh Kong or kedai emas lain. Klu keinginan ni bjaya, sy create an entry about it ok :)

Lagi pasal duit. Dr shari ke shari nk kira duit tabung. Oke, standby utk pingsan stelah tahu jumlah duit tabungan sy. Agagaggaaa....

ni ELPHY. he's craving for coins 10cent. 
ni ELMO. he's craving for coins 50cent. 

Xjadi la reveal brp total Elmo and Elphy. I'l leave u puzzled! ^__^

Huuuu.. This is again for serious, readers. Bilalah nk kayo.. Duit ni, igt hujung bulan ni nk pi bank in dlm acc ASB or buka acc Tabung Haji or masuk kt CIMB yg baru bukak tp xdak 1 sen pun dlm tu. Biala saving ciput2 cmni. Asalkan ada ksedaran utk menabung *ye, ni ayat senangkan hati sndiri. ciss..!*

Till I'm blogging again, smile! :)

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