Friday, August 26, 2011

Entry terakhir before raya 2011

Takde mood nk mnulis ni... Mood raya pun xberapa nk ada sbnarnya. Mood yg ada, nk bcuti lama-lama je. Dlm pd xde mood beraya ni, beg bju raya dh siap masuk dlm kete en.kanda. Things decided tht ktorg akn blk seperately. Sy naik bus, dia drive sorg. Klu dia hntr sy blk kg dulu, surely extra miles dia drive. Dgn jam nya lg..

Tukar cerita lain.

Rabu hari tu sy order Aquapix Waterproof Lomocam via fb Lomo Grafreak. Tgk2 smlm dh reached me! Cpt kan? Lomo cam ni isnt a digital camera. Still guna roll film mcm camera masa kita kecik2 dulu. Bezanya dgn camera zaman tok kaduk tu ialah gmbr yg dihasilkan. Klu siapa2 ada iPhone, mesti tau camane effect lomo ni. Cool! Xperlu touch up photoshop pun. Hee..

Sy nk yellow color sbnarnya tp out of stock. End up beli orange color
Source: Google Image
And smlm was the worst moment of iftar ever! Sy bbuka ngan maggie cup je Y__Y Kemalasan nk masak, kemasalan nk singgah mana-mana utk mbeli foodie. So padan muka sndiri. Huhu

Okla semua. Salam Syawal. Ini mungkin entry terakhir before syawal and will havoc up on nex next monday with lotttsss of raya pictures! At the age of 2x, i realize tht im in love with camera *heart it vm*

Semoga Syawal kita berlandaskan semua yg molek kala Ramadhan yg mulia (cewahh!)

Till I'm blogging again, smile! :)


  1. Hello Haya, I love your profile, "saya gila duit", ha do all of us.
    But money would be of no use if no women......ha ha.
    You have a pleasant week and keep a song in your heart.
