Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dear followers,

Brpa ramai followers blog kamu2? Brpa ramai bloggers yg menulis bkn utk mngumpul followers? Jawapannya, sy xtahu. Yg sy tahu, sy dlm kategori -blogger yg menulis bkn utk mngumpul followers- *peace*

Sy create blog ni tatkala (cheewaaaah, tatkala gitu!) jiwa kacau. so rasa mcm nk share own opinion pd non-judgmental medium. by tht time, fb pun xblh dpercayai. org lain post mcm2, xpe.. tp bile kita post pdapat kita, ada pulak insan2 yg 'back-end' dok argue; why im posting that post? come on.., yr wall is yr wall. though im or others hate yr post, but who m i or others to instruct u to not posting it? again, it's yr wall! n same goes with me. itu fb sy, wall sy. klu ada apa2 yg sy post xbkenan dhati/xkena dmata awk, perlu ke awk arahkn sy spaya xmenulis ttg 'itu'?? konflik sungguh situasi masa tu. solution? deactivate fb! grrrrrr.....

having a blog is quite fun and relaxing. its truly my medium to express myfeelings, thoughts.. apa2 yg dtulis d blog xsampai ke pmbacaan org lain secepat tulisan di fb. perhaps, kdg2 apa2 yg dtluis kt blog ni xktahuan pun oleh lain. tu yg sy suka. sbb tu lah sy xkisah klupun xde followers. TAPI!! surprisingly i got 2 followers now! hahahaaa.. hi Pn Suria :) hi En Amie :) wpun anda2 hnya menekan butang [follow] tnpa mem-follow blog sy ini, sy tetap nk berterima kasih atas usaha anda2 menekan butang [follow] tu :D *this entry is dedicated for you both with love. hehee..*

Bila dh ada followers ni (wpun bru anda2 bdua shja), xlah pulak sy rasa privacy sy dbolosi. i do appreciate followers, honestly. harap dpt energy positive dr para followers spaya daily experiences yg sy share kt blog ni pun, yg positive2 belaka.

Till I'm blogging again, smile! :)

Cerita Julia & Julie; mengisahkan blogger makanan yg menulis tentang target dia utk siapkn 700++ resepi dlm masa stahun. Nk tahu siapa org ptama yg comment entry dia? Mak dia!

Friday, April 22, 2011


Apekahh?? i heard bout Nuffnang and a bit idea on what is it. Tp xtahu pulak yg this hooott stuff can makes me richer. $___$ oh, im in l$ve with u Mr Nuffnang~~

Betoi ka Mr Nuffnang blh bg sy duit?? tu yg tgk kt blog bloggers lain penuh dgn advertisement tempek sana-sini. Chopp! Lemme brief what is Nuffnang nih *muka confident tahu sambil on the nex tab, is Nuffnang webpage for reference*

In brief, Nuffnang is:
- A blog advertising community. Their ads are seen on 180,000 blogs by 8 million people daily.
- Currently has offices in 4 countries, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines and Australia.

Hmm, yet to know mcm mana Mr Nuffnang boleh bagi sy duittt...<<Huk-alohh-hai>>

This is what i have in mind after reading the FAQ.
- once you'd register with them (Nuffnang), they'l have quick review on yr blog and categorized it
- based on the category, they'l match yr blog up with appropriate advertiser. cth: klu the blog oftenly posts about cekelat, dorg match kn la that blog dgn Cadbury ke, Kit Kat ke.. it works that way frm my understandng 
- their service is FOC uolls!!

So, how u earned from them? yg ni pening sikit utk sy fhmkn. Sbb dorg ada guna term Average Unique Visitors. kna study lg spaya lebih fhm.

Btw, i've signed up to it at and will study more about Mr Nuffnang from other bloggers. Once obtain more info, i'l update!

Till I'm blogging again, smile! :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dulu dan Sekarang


A - i wish to share somethg with u. i have a friend, whom having fmly's financial situation but yet, she always and still buy branded stuff for herself. ya, i know tht she's using her own money and not her parents or others.. but still, in tht kind of situation.. personally, i wont have crush on brands when i know that myfamily need money the most than ms anna tsui or mr jimmy choo.

B - u have to understand. she struggle monthly, working, working n working. she deserve to satisfy herself. yes, her family needs her helps. but if buying something branded for herself can make her relief after bumped with workloads, its ok for me. 


A - i wish to share somethg with u. my company offered car loan for the employees, but national car only. myheart spotted to persona. what say u? it wud cost rmxxx per month for xx years.

B - y u need to spend such amount for a national car?? u can have like vios or city for the same amount. u can still do the loan what...

A - i told u right, only national cars listed for the offer - offered by my company. i myself wud go for city if the model is listed in the offer. nonetheless, i've studied persona and i think it's not that bad. i now personally is into persona.

B - i just dont understand u~

A - <<where the hell yr 'satisfaction term' gone????>>

Till I'm blogging again, smile! :)

Quote of the day:
"Happiness is you to define, not others to refine. A solution is good and perfect for unique situation and people. They are different from you. You are who you are" 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

"sbb tu lah english education tu penting"

OMG! im being lazy all the day T___T" excuses are accepted since today is sunday. hehe.. no laundry, no cooking (baru je order mcd satni).

entry kali ni actually nk bcakap pasal EDUCATION je. sj quote script usop wheelcha. hahaaa..

lately, suka sgt baca and (kinda promote dop nih??). their blogs are full of knowledge! dorg covered sooo many topics and their daily experiences or favorites pun sgt blh djadikn pnduan. awesome blog! lepas baca entry2 dorg, biasanya i'l share the stories with myhousemates (nmpk mcm i sgt berilmu,kn? hahaa.. xde mknanya. dorg cuma akn teruja mdengar kisah2 pelik yg i sampaikn) 

dgn mkaji blog2 dorg ni jg, timbul tndatanya, apa myinterest sbnrnya..? yg sorg blogger ni, dia minat alam kapal. kapal terbang, kapal angkasa (yeke? kapal NASA in what category yeh??). yg sorg lg pulak, minat beskal. cool. dorg ada view dorg sndiri ttg pkara yg dorg minat tuh.

berbalik pd psoalan td; sy minat ape? sy minat:
1. duit
2. duit
3. duit
4. kerja

wengggg~ duit ngan kerja tu boleh jd minat ke? ntahla. im easily get interested in fun things. money ofcourse fun thing. ada ke org xsuka duit zaman skrg ni. klu ada org ckp -ada-, tu maknanya deme nnipu! betul la, sume org perlukn duit utk survive. klupun bkn utk diri sndiri, utk tlg fmly members ke, kwn ke.. conclusionnya, me got no specific 'into' buat masa ni. 

hmmm.. in the mean time, nk focus on cards and door gifts plan tuh! focus.focus.focussss$$$$. *ye, sy sgt mata duitan. duit yg dtg dr hasil usaha sndiri okiessss$$$*

Till I'm blogging again, smile! :)

*mana topik education-nyo cik mah oii...?! erkk.. heee (~,~)"

Friday, April 8, 2011

manisnya dipihak yang benar

Alhamdulillah. mmg terasa perit bila sedang mengalami tuduhan atau umpatan dari sesama manusia. tp berkat kesabaran, ketenangan dan aduan hanya kepadaNya, yg benar pasti akan tbukti juga. xkira cepat atau lambat.

Tak kiralah kbenaran tu sampai mjadikan penuduh/pengumpat jatuh terpele'ot atau mereka masih ber-ego. tak kira jugalh jika kbenaran tu cuma dketahui sgelintir pihak. yg penting, kita dpt kpuasan naluri bila segalanya tbukti yg kita dipihak yg benar.

Yg memulaukn kita krn mnyangka kita yg bukan2, biarknlah. xrugi xbteman dgn org2 yg mcm tu. bdoalah agar dlindungi dr pdangan mereka yg mbenci/kata-kata umpatan/dgki khianat manusia. jgn lupa jg bdoa supaya kita djauhkn dari punya sifat2 hasad kpd org lain.

Diam itu lebih baik; i believe tht ths quote is still & will always be relevant in life

* syukur krna punya pasangan dan rakan2 tdekat yg not being buyers when commenting on situation happened to/decision made by me. mereka menasihat dengan akal, bkn dgn hati atau tahap hubungan.

Till Im blogging again, smile! :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011


selesai menunaikan tanggungjawab pada keluarga weekend yg lalu smpila ke hari selasa. rabu, terus naik kerja. penat mmg penat, sbb di kampung, tdklah berehat mana pun. minit2 byk dhabiskn dgn keluar bjalan wit myfmly. minit2 jg, duit mluncur bagai tsunami. sungguh kuasa duit zaman skrg ni boleh bikin org smpi bila2 pun xkaya.

kdg2, rasa nk mengeluuuuuh sgt2 psl duit. gji kerja bulanan xcukup utk mnyimpan pun. rasa nk mngeluh, nk mnangis, sbb dari dulu lg, duit habis ke org lain. mmglah, habis pun ke ahli keluarga sndiri. tp rasa ralat dan sedih bila di salurkn pd bnda yg bukan2. tbaru, i bear 2months loan van ayah + bg adik rm1500 utk lgsaikn hutang dia. just compare those & surely i'l be proud for the 1st one. how bout yg kedua? Allah sj mengesat airmata yg jatuh mngenangkn nasib diri. stiap bulan, ada sj 'perkara yg dtg tba2'. 

i ask myself -boros sgt ke aku ni? mane peginya duit gji bulan2?

i xboros slain psl mknn, which tht is the most thg yg blh buat i rasa -makanlah, jgn sekat2 utk mkn stelah kau penat bkerja. & i know myself, bukanlh jenis yg mkn kt restoran mahal2. paling mewah pun mkn mcd, nandos. tu semua xpatut dkategorikn sbg boros :(

mane perginya duit gaji? perginya kpd 'perkara yg tba2'. 'perkara yg tba2' ialah perkara yg akn dtg stiap bulan, blainan mslh, blainan pbawa mslh. satu yg sama -semuanya perlukn duit. tbaru, settlekn hutang adik!! Subhanallah.. hanya krn namanya adik maka i bantu dia keluar dr bebanan hutang tu. klu hutang ptptn ke, hutang fee hospital ke, i ikhlas bntu. tp ni hutang pnjm utk join multilevel! Allah, ya Allah... sungguh masih byk dosa2ku hgga d turunkn ujian2 spt ni :( adik bjanji akn byr semula, tp dia cuma bkrja biasa, dgn gji bwh seribu, die cuma akn pulang semula duit sbulan rm100. itupun, ntahkn betul atau tdk dia akn pulangkn. n so i claimed tht i borrowed d money from a friend. that's the only way he'll return it to me.

sbelum2 ni, 'perkara yg tba2' mcm yuran sekolah adik2. sekolah dh start 2-3bulan baru ma nk bgtahu yg yuran xbayar lg. lain2; ada kenduri la, nk raya la, nk renew roadtax la..

Ya Allah, aku pohon ampun krn mngeluh. justeru aku ini cuma yg hina & lemah. yg nmpk dmata tp xnmpk yg hikmahnya. ada masa2 bila terikutkn hati, tdetik; klulah aku seorg yg mmentingkn diri sndiri, cukup bulananku. but it's totally not me! i xkn sanggup mmenuhkn perut sedangkn ahli keluarga i tpksa berikat perut sbb nk byr yuran adik2, sbb nk renew road tax :(

tp begini, bilakh dtg masanya utk i mnyimpan demi masa dpn sndiri? kahwin, kereta, rumah? perlukh i pula yg mngikat perut utk semua ni??

Astaghfirullahal'azim..... Sudahlah i btanya ssuatu yg umpama mnunding jari pd tuhan smbil btanya, "Mana rezeki Kau tumpahkn di bumi? Mana??" Astaghfirullahal'azim.....

i believe, the world is circle in shape. u wont find a dead end mcari rezeki Allah. i believe, the world is solely belong to Allah. u'l get yr part as long as u return to Allah. InsyaAllah.

Now, wake up, usaha utk cari duit lebih. ideas:
i. OT? --> on
ii. part time? --> working on it; asiaparttime
iii. sell stuff? --> craft? cards? need better planning

Stop dulu memblogging. Perlu cari kerja parttime kt webs.

Till Im blogging again, smile! :)